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15Aug 2019

I`m a Teacher

Posted by : Anitta Joy
Category : NexEd Teachers Bloggers 2019
Date :

They say teachers are second parents. I can most certainly say; I have served full justice to this thought. Right from the outset of my career till date, there have been ups and downs. Yet, my passion for teaching and bringing out the best in young minds does not seem to be draining out. Maybe to the outside world, I am teacher but to my students I am a mentor who mends them in every way possible (you may ask them). 

Indisputably, I can assure that I stood by my students whenever they wanted my physical and emotional presence with them. My colleagues opine that I must keep an emotional distance with students and they should not be treated at par with my off springs. Indeed do I deny their perspective. I spend quality time and lion’s share of my life with my students than my own kids. And there are times, I have felt that I am one among them. We share happiness, sorrows and excitements together. When they come up with the stories of their lives, there is huge respect for them in my eyes. They, too mend me some way.     

To myself, there is no category such as good children or bad children, front bencher or back bencher. They are all alike who inevitably require molding. It is as if a famous notion goes on, “One is not born a thief, the circumstances make him so.” Constructive and healthy criticism paves way for the upliftment    of every individual let alone children. A child thus sheds away his insecurities and becomes a better soul, eventually. Isn’t that the prime motive of education?  Neither a text book nor a PPT presentation help earn a child a good heart and love for fraternity. At the same time, a teacher gaily cladding humanity passes on the torch of universal brotherhood to children from generations to generations.  
Now, need I really elaborate on my passion for teaching? 

I am so much proud of my career and of course, I am on cloud nine when I say and mean so.  


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Anitta Joy

Myself Anitta Joy. Working as a computer teacher.

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